Web Server & REST API

When an ACHE crawl is started, it automatically starts a REST API on port 8080. If that port is busy, it will try the following ports (8081, 8082, etc). The default HTTP settings can be changed using the following lines in the ache.yml file:

http.port: 8080
http.cors.enabled: true


There is only HTTP Basic authentication available at this time. To configure it, add the following lines to ache.yml:

http.auth.basic.user: myusername
http.auth.basic.password: mypasswd

Server Mode

Besides using the ache startCrawl command, ACHE can also be started in server mode and controlled using the web user interface or the REST API.

To start ACHE in server mode, you can use:

ache startServer -d /data -c /config/

Alternatively, if you are using Docker, run:

docker run -v $CONFIG:/config -v $DATA/data:/data vidanyu/ache startServer -d /data -c /config/


  • $CONFIG is the path to where ache.yml is stored and

  • $DATA is the path where ACHE is going to store its data.

If you want to configure a proxy to serve ACHE user interface from a non-root path, you will need to specify the path in ache.yml file using the following configuration:

http.base_path: /my-new-path

API Endpoints

POST /crawls/(string: crawler_id)/startCrawl

Starts a crawler with the crawler id crawler_id.

Request JSON Object
  • crawlType (string) – Type of crawl to be started. Either DeepCrawl or FocusedCrawl.

  • model (string) – (Required for FocusedCrawl) A base64 encoded string of the zipped model file. The zip file should contain the model files (pageclassifier.yml) and the seed file (*_seeds.txt).

  • seeds (array) – (Required for DeepCrawl) An array of strings. Each string must be a fully-qualified URL that will be used starting point of the crawl.

Request body example for DeepCrawl:

  "crawlType": "DeepCrawl",
  "seeds": ["http://en.wikipedia.org/", "http://example.com/"],
  "model": null

Request body example for FocusedCrawl:

  "crawlType": "FocusedCrawl",
  "seeds": null,
  "model": "<Base64 encoded zipped model file>"

Response body example:

  "message": "Crawler started successfully.",
  "crawlerStarted": true
GET /crawls/(string: crawler_id)/status

Returns the status of the crawler with crawler id crawler_id.

Response body example:

  "status": 200,
  "version": "0.10.0",
  "searchEnabled": false,
  "crawlerRunning": true,
  "crawlerState": "RUNNING"
GET /crawls/(string: crawler_id)/metrics

Returns detailed runtime metrics of the crawler with crawler id crawler_id. The metrics returned are generated using the Dropwizard Metrics library.

Response body example:

    "version": "3.1.3",
    "gauges": {
      "downloader.dispatch_queue.size": {
        "value": 0
      "downloader.download_queue.size": {
        "value": 0
      "downloader.pending_downloads": {
        "value": 2
      "downloader.running_handlers": {
        "value": 1
      "downloader.running_requests": {
        "value": 1
      "frontier_manager.last_load.available": {
        "value": 0
      "frontier_manager.last_load.rejected": {
        "value": 11610
      "frontier_manager.last_load.uncrawled": {
        "value": 11610
      "frontier_manager.scheduler.empty_domains": {
        "value": 0
      "frontier_manager.scheduler.non_expired_domains": {
        "value": 1
      "frontier_manager.scheduler.number_of_links": {
        "value": 2422
      "target.storage.harvest.rate": {
        "value": 0.9777777777777777
    "counters": {
      "downloader.fetches.aborted": {
        "count": 0
      "downloader.fetches.errors": {
        "count": 1
      "downloader.fetches.successes": {
        "count": 48
      "downloader.http_response.status.2xx": {
        "count": 47
      "downloader.http_response.status.401": {
        "count": 0
      "downloader.http_response.status.403": {
        "count": 0
      "downloader.http_response.status.404": {
        "count": 1
      "downloader.http_response.status.5xx": {
        "count": 0
      "target.storage.pages.downloaded": {
        "count": 45
      "target.storage.pages.relevant": {
        "count": 44
    "histograms": {},
    "meters": {},
    "timers": {
      "downloader.fetch.time": {
        "count": 48,
        "max": 584.693196,
        "mean": 160.64529857175228,
        "min": 51.161457,
        "p50": 114.816344,
        "p75": 218.304927,
        "p95": 377.469511,
        "p98": 584.693196,
        "p99": 584.693196,
        "p999": 584.693196,
        "stddev": 118.74270199105285,
        "m15_rate": 0.4281665582051108,
        "m1_rate": 0.7030438799915493,
        "m5_rate": 0.4803778789487069,
        "mean_rate": 0.9178383293058442,
        "duration_units": "milliseconds",
        "rate_units": "calls/second"
      [... Other metrics...]
GET /crawls/(string: crawler_id)/stopCrawl

Stops the crawler with crawler id crawler_id if it is running.

Query Parameters
  • awaitStopped (boolean) – One of true or false (default). Indicates whether the request should block until the crawler is completely stopped.

Response body example:

  "message": "Crawler shutdown initiated.",
  "shutdownInitiated": true,
  "crawlerStopped": false
POST /crawls/(string: crawler_id)/seeds

Adds seeds to the crawler with crawler id crawler_id.

Request JSON Object
  • seeds (array) – An array containing the URLs to be added to the crawl that is currently running.

Request body example:

  "seeds": ["http://en.wikipedia.org/", "http://example.com/"]

Response body example:

  "message": "Seeds added successfully.",
  "addedSeeds": true