.. _install: Installation ************ You can either build ACHE from the source code, download the executable binary using Conda, or use Docker to build an image and run ACHE in a container. Using Docker -------------------- **Prerequisite:** You will need to install a recent version of Docker. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ for details on how to install Docker for your platform. To use ACHE with Docker, you can 1) use a pre-built image or 2) build the image yourself as follows: **1. Using the pre-build docker image** We publish pre-built docker images on `Docker Hub `_ for each released version. You can run the latest image using:: docker run -p 8080:8080 vidanyu/ache:latest Docker will automatically download the image from DockerHub and run it. **2. Build the image on your machine** Alternatively, you can build the image yourself and run it:: git clone https://github.com/ViDA-NYU/ache.git cd ache docker build -t ache . where ``ache`` is the name of the image being built. **Running the crawler using Docker** The `Dockerfile `_ used to build the image exposes two data volumes so that you can mount a directory with your configuration files (at ``/config``) and preserve the data stored by the crawler (at ``/data``) after the container stops. In order to run ACHE using docker, you will need a command like:: docker run -v $PWD:/config -v $PWD/data:/data -p 8080:8080 vidanyu/ache startCrawl -c /config/ -s /config/seeds.txt -o /data/ where ``$PWD`` is the path where your config file ``ache.yml`` and the ``seeds.txt`` are located and ``$PWD/data`` is the path where the crawled data will be stored. In this command ``vidanyu/ache`` refers to the pre-built image on DockerHub. If you built the image yourself, you should use the same name that you used to build the image. Build from source with Gradle ----------------------------- **Prerequisite:** You will need to install recent version of Java (JDK 8 or latest) and Git. To build ACHE from source, you can run the following commands in your terminal:: git clone https://github.com/ViDA-NYU/ache.git cd ache ./gradlew installDist which will generate an installation package under ``ache/build/install/``. You can then make ``ache`` command available in the terminal by adding ACHE binaries to the ``PATH`` environment variable:: export ACHE_HOME="{path-to-cloned-ache-repository}/ache/build/install/ache" export PATH="$ACHE_HOME/bin:$PATH" This configuration will not persist after system restarts. To make it persistent, you will need configure the system to reload these settings automatically. Every operating system is configured in a different way. Following, is an example of how to install ACHE at ``/opt`` for Linux (tested only in **Ubuntu 16.04**):: sudo mv ache/build/install/ache /opt/ echo 'export ACHE_HOME="/opt/ache"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/ache.sh echo 'export PATH="$ACHE_HOME/bin:$PATH"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/ache.sh source /etc/profile.d/ache.sh After this, the command ``ache`` will be available on the terminal, so you can simply run the crawler with the appropriate parameters. Download with Conda ------------------- **Prerequisite:** You need to have Conda package manager installed in your system. If you use the `Conda `_ package manager, you can install ``ache`` from `Anaconda Cloud `_ by running:: conda install -c vida-nyu ache .. warning:: Only released tagged versions are published to Anaconda Cloud, so the version available through Conda may not be up-to-date. If you want to try the most recent version, please clone the repository and build from source or use the Docker version.