
You can either build ACHE from the source code or download the executable binary using Conda.

Build from source with Gradle

To build ache from source, you can run the following commands in your terminal:

git clone
cd ache
./gradlew installDist

which will generate an installation package under ache/build/install/. You can then make ACHE command line available in the terminal by adding ACHE to the PATH:

export ACHE_HOME="{path-to-cloned-ache-repository}/build/install/ache"
export PATH="$ACHE_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Download with Conda

If you use the Conda package manager, you can install ache from Anaconda Cloud by running:

conda install -c memex ache


Only tagged versions are published to Anaconda Cloud, so the version available through Conda may not be up-to-date. If you want to try the most recent version, please clone the repository and build from source.